The School firmly believes that textual studies are only but a part of the full development of a child and therefore provides a spectrum of club and Literary activities . The main thrust of activities at the Schools are visualized to promote interdependence among members, a fair division of labour and a sense of collective responsibility. The School has
- Literary Club
- Science Club
- Eco Club
- Quiz Club
- Citizen Consumer and Mathematics Club
Duke of Edinburgh, an all around international development program award program for Students is also encouraged and practised by students, apart from participation in Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Clubs & Organisations
Literary Club

As part of the Literary Club, students are given a piece of literature, a book or an essay or an article appearing in a newspaper to work on, The purpose is to encourage out-of-the box thinking, to ask questions and to try and look at it from multiple perspectives.The crux is to inculcate the habit of reading in students.
The Quiz Club

The Quiz Club in the school, running successfully for more than a decade plans interactive quiz events for students of all classes to make them self-confident and imbibe a real sense of pride in the students especially while representing the Vidyalaya in various competitions.
Science Club

The aim of the Science Club is to help students acquire basic knowledge of Science and encourage scientific way of learning. To develop’ awareness of and concern for scientific issues in personal, social, environmental and technological contexts and to acquire scientific knowledge through simple experiments.
Eco Club

The Eco Club motivates the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking planting saplings and making them to grow by constant rending. The students are also exposed to field activities such as nature trails, quiz, speech and poster competitions on ecology and other connected topics. It aims at educating the children about the reuse of waste materials,—Wealth from waste. It trains the minds of the children to live close to Nature.
Consumer Awareness Club

The Consumer Awareness Club tries to create an awareness amongst the students about their rights as consumers. Students are trained to realize the concept that “Consumer is the King” and spread the message to the common man.
Math Club

The main aim of the Math Club is to foster a community of students around a common interest in mathematics. Club members will have opportunities to apply and improve math skills by participating in math competitions and learning circles. Members will also be able to engage with similar age groups in the discipline by attending math conferences, competitions, projects and will participate in social gatherings aimed at advancing interactions with their cohort. The Math Club members will learn about interesting careers in math related fields and engage in activities that promote the appreciation in pursuit of Mathematics.