“Children cannot be made good by making them happy;
but they can be made happy by making them good.”
With this moto in mind, we in the school try ‘each art’ to make the children realize that they can achieve everything if they are good and do good for others. We bring home to them that the more they care for the happiness of others, the greater will be their own happiness.
In the Secondary level, the Class 10 Board Exam is the first external exam. Due to unwarranted pressure, some students who feel insecure and diffident, digress into engaging in malpractices in the exams. Therefore, the school tests and exams are to be made invigilation-free for a homogeneous group of high achievers to inculcate confidence and honesty in them so that they grow up to be dutiful citizens. This model is meant to be a beacon for every student of the Vidyalaya to follow suit.